AMIX SilK is an activated formulation of soluble silicon with potassium designed to improve stress-tolerance, quality and shelf-life of fruits & vegetables. 
It is especially suitable for plantation crops such as banana, pineapple, mango, papaya etc. 
The role of silicon in plant biology is to reduce multiple stresses. It is also known to increase drought tolerance in plants by maintaining plant water balance, photosynthetic activity, erectness of leaves and structure of xylem vessels under high transpiration rates. Catalani et al.* found that the application of soluble silicon and potassium increased the amount of free amino-acids in the leaves of papaya plants. Under stress, crop metabolism is affected and the plant releases amino acids related to defence responses or osmotic adjustment to improve its tolerance to the stress event.
Adequate Potassium is required in many crops for fruit fill and fruit sizing. Silicon is important for crop quality and shelf-life


  • Increases Turgor preassure in graminacious crops

  • Promotes active uptake into the crop –unlike most trace elements that rely on passive absorption (request presentation for full details)

  • Low application rates –economical to use

  • Improved activity in low temperatures–can be used earlier in the spring

  • Adjuvant effect improves pesticide efficacy e.g. fungicides

  • Reliable in all conditions

  • Crop safe -reduced leaf scorch

  • May be used to improve turf quality

Product Specs:


Dark brown Liquid

Typical Analysis:

Potassium (K2O) : 100g/L

Silicon (SiO2): 147g/L

Application rates:

1.5-4.5 Litres per Hectare